Tuition Payment

Zion Lutheran School requires all parents to use FACTS to make tuition payments.  Tuition payments are Annual (August), Semester (August and January) or 10 month (August thru May).  Automatic payments are set up using your bank account, debit or credit card on the 5th or the 20th of the month.  (Please note:  Credit and Debit cards are charged an additional 2.85% by FACTS.  No additional charge if using a bank account number/routing number.)  FACTS charges an annual enrollment fee which is the responsibility of each family.  The Enrollment Fee is $50.00 for the 10-month payment plan or $20.00 for the Annual or Semester payment plans.  This enrollment fee will also allow you to use “Incidental Billing” throughout the school year to make online payments for miscellaneous charges (i.e. Before/After School Care, Band, Field Trips, Room Parent Fee, Technology Fee, Athletic Fee).
