Tuition Assistance

Zion Lutheran Church and School is committed to assisting with the ongoing education of our students.  If you are unable to provide tuition support at the “Minimum Tuition” as listed, you will be asked to fill out a financial support request that will necessitate you to provide full financial disclosure.  An outside firm will review the financial information you provide and make a recommendation to the Scholarship Committee at Zion Lutheran School as to the appropriate level of support that you should be able to provide.   The financial information is confidential, and the four-member Scholarship Committee will make the final determination as to the appropriate level of financial commitment that you will be asked to provide.   If you agree to that level of financial support, Zion Lutheran Church and School will provide scholarship support to meet the difference between the amount you will be paying and the minimum tuition amount.  No requests for scholarship support can be processed unless all required financial information is provided for review.

Financial assistance may be available through the LESA Scholarship Fund or a Zion Lutheran School Scholarship Fund.  In order to be considered for financial assistance from the Zion Lutheran School Scholarship Fund, a family must first apply for a LESA Scholarship.  Your application for the LESA Scholarship Fund will also be used to calculate available financial assistance from Zion.

If applying for Financial Assistance:

As a member of the greater St. Louis area Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA), Zion school families have scholarship opportunities from the LESA Scholarship Fund initiated by the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis.  This has been a blessing to many Zion school families.  LESA uses FACTS to screen its applicants. There is a processing fee of $35.00 due at the time of application.  Please go online to FACTS at  and fill out the required application. The deadline to apply for LESA Scholarship is April 1st.  Once you complete the FACTS application for the LESA Scholarship Fund, this information will also be used for scholarship assistance at Zion Lutheran School.  You only need to apply one time for both LESA and a Zion Scholarship.