Principal’s Message
From the Principal
Welcome to Zion Lutheran School, home of the Saints. It is a blessing for me to have the opportunity to greet you! For over fifty years Zion has provided the families in Bethalto and surrounding communities with the highest quality education in a Christian, safe, and nurturing environment. We praise God for the commitment this church has made to telling “the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done.” Psalm 78:4
Our priority is to partner with parents to help their children grow in their desire for learning and more importantly their love of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our academic and extracurricular programs are designed to help each child reach their greatest potential as they grow into the people God created them to be.
If your child is a member of our school family, thank you for the privilege to work with your child. If you are not yet a Zion Saint, I would welcome the opportunity to show you around Zion and share with you why Zion Lutheran School has become a treasured and important school to so many families. Please contact me at 618-377-5507 or skoch@zionbethalto.org if I can be of assistance.
Doing All Things in Love,
Sarah Koch, Principal