Zion Lutheran Preschool classes address the learning needs and styles of children ages 3 to 5.

Welcoming, Christ-Centered Environments
We address the needs of all learners through Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP), the Illinois Learning and Development Standards, the Spiritual Milestones as stated by the Child Ministry Department of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and formative assessments.
Curricular Experiences
We encourage independent and interdependent learning strategies in all curricular areas. Curricular strategies include Learning through The Project Approach; Handwriting Without Tears; Second Steps: Social-Emotional Early Learning; One in Christ for 3 year olds and 4 year olds; and Spark Physical Fitness.
A Family Focus
We communicate with families through our weekly classroom newsletters and email. Families are invited to weekly chapels, special celebration days such as Muffins for Moms, Donuts with Dads, and Thankful for Our Grandparents Day. Parent-Teachers conferences are held to discuss the progress of your child.
Accredited and Professionally Recognized
We are a Recognized Non-Public School by the State of Illinois, Accredited with the Lutheran Schools Accreditation Association, and our teachers hold Bachelor Degrees in Education or degrees related to Child Development.
Program Descriptions and Choices . . .
Children must be 3 years old to attend preschool. A child may begin preschool anytime during the year once they have turned 3. However, please note that it is state policy that a child must be 5 years old prior to September 1st in order to begin Kindergarten. All children are to be independent in their toileting needs and not in diapers.
Class Options
Children may attend preschool 2, 3, 4, or 5 days per week: half day (8:00-11:30am) or full day (8:00-3:00pm). You may choose any combination of days that work for you. There is not a designated 2 day or 3 day schedule of days.
Snacks and Lunch
Children are provided a morning and an afternoon snack by Zion. We make every attempt for the snacks we serve to be a healthy, nutritional snack. We also strive for the snacks to be nut free and will work with other allergy situations. Full day students have the option to bring their lunch from home or to purchase a hot lunch.
Before and After School Care
Before School Care is available from 7:00-7:50am and After School Care is available from 3:00-6:00. This service is billed by the half hour on a weekly basis in order to serve individual family needs.

A Safe Place To Be!
At Zion we take your child’s safety very seriously.

Safe when playing
Our preschool playground is fully fenced with rubber mulch at the appropriate depth for safety.
Safe in the building
We strive to have a secure campus. Outside doors are kept locked at all times. Persons wishing to enter the buildings are let in via our security system.
Safe when being picked up
Parents indicate who is authorized to pick up their child. Persons not meeting that criteria are not allowed to take the child without approval by the parent.