Extended Care

Zion Lutheran School provides before and after school care for students whose parents need a secure, Christian atmosphere for their children beyond the timeframe of a regular school day.

Before School Care​

Before School Care is provided from 7:00-7:30am. At 7:30 the older children go to the gymnasium to be supervised until released to go to their individual classrooms.

The daily charge is $2.00 per student. ($2.50 25/26 school year)

7:00 – 7:30 $2.00 per half hour per student ($2.50 25/26 school year)

7:30 – 7:50 No charge (K-8 students are supervised by a teacher in the gym.)


After School Care​

After School Care is provided on regular school days when school is in session. Service for early dismissal may occur due to weather and other early dismissal days.  Only children enrolled as students at Zion Lutheran School may use this program.

Preschool children begin in their own after care room. They go outside to play until 4:00, then come in for a snack. At 4:30, the remaining preschool children join the elementary students. The preschool After School Care assistant remains with the preschool children.

Elementary children are supervised downstairs in the after-school care room. They go outside to play until 4:00, then come in for a snack. Students are able to work on their homework if desired by the parents. A quiet study room is provided.

After school care hours are 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

The daily charge for After School Care is $12.00 per student.

3:00 – 6:00 $2.00 per half hour per student ($2.50 25/26 school year)

When school dismisses early and After School Care is available, there will be a $2.00 per hour charge beginning 30 minutes after school dismisses. ($2.50 per hour 25/26 school year)

There will be a charge of $5.00 per fifteen minutes for students picked up after 6 p.m.

  Only parents or the individuals who have been designated as the emergency or pick up contacts are able to pick up the children.

Before and After School Care personnel electronically log when a child has been dropped off or picked up for billing purposes.

Any individual dropping off or picking up a child from Before or After School Care must accompany the child to and from the Before and After School Care Program.

Any student remaining at school after 3:15 p.m. must go to After School Care and parents will be charged accordingly. This also applies to students who remain 15 minutes after the conclusion of any extra-curricular activity. The school is held liable for any and all students on school property, and they must be supervised.

Students are clocked in and out by the Before and After Care Providers in the FACTS Management System. Billing for the service for the previous week will be emailed to the parents showing the charges for that week. Payment for the week billed must be made by Friday so that your child can continue to utilize the service. Payments may be made by logging into the FACTS Family Portal in the “Incidental Billing”. You may also pay by cash, check or credit/debit card in the school office or with credit/debit card over the phone. There is a 3% processing fee for all credit/debit card transactions using Square.

Please note that if payment has not been made by the 10th day, the services may not be used.