Fourth Grade Curriculum
Religion: One in Christ by CPH is the study of various Bible stories from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Students learn of God’s love and care for people through the ages. Fourth graders study the story of Abraham and the story for Moses. They also study some miracles of Jesus. Fourth graders also memorize selected Bible verses as well as the Ten Commandments and the meanings that are found in Luther’s Small Catechism. Each Wednesday students attend a school chapel service. Prayer and sharing from God’s Word are intertwined throughout the day.
Reading: In McGraw-Hill’s Wonders series students read samples from award winning authors. The series is broken down into biweekly themes which expose the students to all kinds of literature. Written exercises emphasize comprehension, interpretation, and vocabulary. Fourth graders also do 3 novel studies and are part of an Accelerated Reader program.
Spelling: Spelling is part of the Journeys series. Weekly tests are given over a specific set of words-usually with the same phonetic pattern. During the week, the words are practiced using a variety of methods so they become part of the students’ overall written and oral vocabulary.
English: Our English curriculum is the Houghton Mifflin English. The students apply writing and grammar skills with instruction on parts of speech, mechanics, and vocabulary. As stated below, the English curriculum also incorporates writing units throughout the year.
Writing: On a weekly basis the fourth graders write in their journal usually using some kind of writing prompt. Writing is also taught between each Grammar unit, as well as being integrated into other subjects.
Mathematics: Big Ideas Math is used at Zion Lutheran School. Lessons and activities focus on computational proficiency and problem solving. Students focus on whole numbers (up to one million), fractions, mixed numbers, place value, time, graphing, geometry, data, measurement, multiplying and dividing by two-digit numbers, probability, decimals, estimation, and mental math. Fourth graders concentrate on learning the basic facts in all four operations by memory.
Science: Kessler Science is used in fourth grade. The units included are: Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science. There are sub categories for each of the three main units. Hands-on, small group and partner collaboration is a big part of this series. A Christian perspective is included in the lessons taught.
Social Studies: Regions of the United States by IMPACT social studies is the book used in fourth grade. Fourth graders study the states and regions of the United States. Areas covered include history, geography, government, resources, land, and people. They learn map and globe skills, charts and graph skills, and critical thinking and research skills.
Art: Fourth graders have art instruction each week. The Arts Attack DVD program is used. The curriculum teaches the elements of art and promotes creativity among the students.
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears is used to help students continue to master cursive handwriting. Handwriting is taught and practiced once or twice a week. Practicing, reviewing, and evaluating are done throughout the year giving each fourth grader a chance to develop their cursive handwriting.
Spanish: Elementary Spanish developed by Northern Arizona University is the curriculum used for Spanish class. In Spanish, fourth graders will learn how to communicate in Spanish by learning Spanish vocabulary and basic sentences. They will also gain an understanding of Spanish culture.
Second Step: The Second Step program teaches students to have empathy, manage emotions, and solve problems. Short videos are shown for every topic. Class and small group discussions help the students process and learn how to deal with and understand theirs and others’ social/emotional needs and teaches students how to self-regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
Health: Developing Good Health by A Beka Books is used for fourth grade health class. During class, personal hygiene is learned and discussed. We not only discuss why having good personal hygiene habits is important for health, it is also important for appearance and self esteem.
Music: Fourth graders have choir once a week. They learn a wide variety of Christian songs and hymns and participate in a Zion church service on a rotational basis. All students prepare and present a Spring Musical.
Once a week students have a Music class. We use McMillan-McGraw Hill Share the Music for our music curriculum. Students learn elements of music including, singing, playing, moving to, interpreting, understanding, reading and writing of music. Sight reading music and learning to play a recorder are also taught.
Computer: Fourth Grade students have computer class twice a week. They learn computer terminology and parts. Digital citizenship is emphasized through activities, videos and discussions. Students work on keyboarding skills with touch-typing being emphasized and use Google Apps for Education such as Docs, Slides and Sheets. Students also work with programming and coding, using Lego WeDo 2.0, and Pixel Hack online.
Physical Education: Fourth Graders also participate in physical education twice a week. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education Standards are followed. A variety of activities and games are used to develop motor skills, sport skills, teamwork, Christian sportsmanship and lifelong fitness.